A Ministry of Help From Hope To Healing
536 Signal Hill Dr. Ext, Statesville, NC 28625
31 East Main Ave,
Taylorsville, NC 28681

Our after Hours Crisis line:

Medication-assisted treatment combines medication, counseling and support to combat addiction. It is widely recognized as the optimal approach for opioid addiction. Unlike substituting one addictive drug for another, medication is a controlled aid, akin to managing heart disease or diabetes. When used appropriately, it helps individuals effectively manage their addiction, ensuring lasting recovery benefits. - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
​We are known for a structured program that encourages accountability, while offering compassionate and competent care. Our multidisciplinary team is available to tend to medical and mental health concerns, making us a complete treatment program able to help on your journey to holistic recovery and success.
Our team consists of qualified professionals who hold credentials of Licensed Clinical Additions Specialist, Licensed Professional Counselor, Master Addiction Counselor, National Certified Counselor, and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor, all of which are qualified to provides individual, family, and group counseling. Afterhours and crisis support is also available.
Outpatient drug and/or alcohol detoxification
Maintenance therapy and medication-assisted treatment for drug and/or alcohol dependence
Medication management
Our Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program consists of individual, group as needed, and education. The length of the program is individualized according to the personal needs of each patient. ARMS treats patients with various alcohol and drug use disorders with counseling or non-pharmacological therapies and medication-assisted treatment when appropriate. ARMS Medical Providers are qualified to prescribe Suboxone for opioid-dependent patients and other medications specifically for alcohol and drug use disorders.
Buprenorphine and Methadone Opioid Maintenance usually includes 3-4 hours per day for the first 4 days of induction, a medical evaluation, medical monitoring, orientation to the clinic policies and procedures, a substance use disorder assessment, development of an individualized treatment plan, introduction to group therapy, administration of medicines, and urine drug screens.
For the remaining 3 weeks of the first month, you will receive office visits provided by our Nurse Practitioners, prescriptions for medication, follow up with Qualified Counselors, group counseling as needed, and urine drug screens or breathalyzers (if additional ones are needed).
After the first month you will then be considered an established patient with office visits with the Nurse Practitioners, urine drug screens, and individual and/or group therapy sessions. Web based therapy is available on a secure server for patients that have a web cam and internet access, if attendance in person would be difficult due to circumstances that merit it.
Alcohol and Drug Detoxification is available on an outpatient basis in a safe and comfortable environment. Detoxification is based upon a medical evaluation and usually consists of daily monitoring of vital signs. ARMS prescribes drugs such as Suboxone to address the physical withdrawal symptoms associated with opiates. Detox protocols are also available for sedative/hypnotics, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methamphetamine and alcohol. The length of the detoxification is individualized according to the personal needs of each patient. Ongoing therapy after detoxification is highly recommended as a follow-up to prevent relapse.
Alcohol and Drug Detoxification